It will be available on Amazon, and book stores in a couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy it.
There is a lot of myth about writing: It's hard, you must be talented, and etc. the list goes on and on. Let me tell you now, it's all garbage. Anyone and everyone can write. Yes it's true that writing a best seller takes time and experience, but it is like any other thing in life, with time and practice anyone can become better at it. Some get better faster than others, some have a natural talent for explaining a story, its surroundings and characters that make them come to life out of the page, but believe me, their first books were not all that good, and over time they got better.
The advantage we have today is the internet is filled with so much information, that writers of old took months to investigate, reading through newspapers and other books, talking to companies, really doing the work by hand. These days it's easy, Doctor Google is your friend, and companies, white papers, newspapers and all sorts of other sites of information is available on the net… we are really lucky to have such a wonderful tool to our disposal.
Let me debunk the myths, right here, right now. Writing is not difficult, it is easy and like all things in life it just takes practice. Do you think that a pilot just woke up one day and he was able to fly five hundred people to the United States? No! He learnt how to do it and that is the same with writing.
Yes others are better at it, and some will never write a best seller, but everyone has a story to tell and it is up to you whether you want to put that story to paper. There are many awe inspiring authors out there that I really call story weavers, there use of language is just sublime and they have been going at it for many years, learning and WRITING story after story, teaching themselves the poetry of using a language to shape a story in the mind's eye of reader.
Rob Parnell has a writing course that I think touches on the surreal; his writing course is really inspiring. I suggest you have a look at his writing course and if you are serious about writing, he has some good techniques that will help you along your way.
My hope is, what you take away from this post, is there is no mystery in writing, no myths are true, and that you will find it easy to write, even if it is just your next letter to your grandmother.
Weave the language to the point where it forms poetry!